[Localization] Kreyòl Localization

Marvin Demuth marvindemuth at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 19 17:28:32 EDT 2008

At 12:33 PM 6/19/2008, Edward Cherlin wrote:

>This is the reason for the Terminology section 
>of Pootle, for example. We encourage localizers 
>to do the Terminology section first, and then to 
>use that terminology consistently everywhere else.

Jude, I suggest that you look again at the 106 
strings in the terminology section that remain to 
be translated, do what you can with them, and 
then let's let the list participants help with the balance.

As others has said today, every translator faces 
this same problem, especially in those languages 
that do not have technical publications.  Ed's 
example of the lack of a word for computer in the 
Kinyarwanda language is a case in point.  We may 
have to coin some Kreyòl words.

"A journey begins with a single step." -- I can 
visualize that Samy can send the remaining words 
to the 43 professional programmers on his 
list.  Those of us who do not know Kreyòl might 
learn some words.  This might also help with other languages.

Marvin Demuth

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