[Testing] Test meeting logs, 2008-12-04

Mel Chua mel at laptop.org
Sat Dec 6 04:49:06 EST 2008

>  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/How_to_test_an_Activity
!!! Thank *you* for grinding through that!
> (I think the current "How to test an activity" is really "Activity 
> testing planning", and I think an actual "How to test an Activity" 
> should be much shorter, cf. my "Smoke testing activities" e-mail.)
Aye - feel free to make the change ("Be Bold" philosophy), or tell us 
more about why you think they should happen - I'm reasonably happy with 
either the current layout or the one that you outlined, so my personal 
activation energy to make the change hasn't been triggered (yet).
> How are you going to make the test case reporting decision?  Flip a 
> coin?  I really think that should be on the agenda for next week.  
Here is the situation as it stands:

* We'll use Carl's (gorgeous) form for the smoke testing
* We'll use the current SMW test forms setup for non-smoke testing 
(since afaik there isn't another solution for this yet)

I'm personally happy with this - if someone can do better (particularly 
for the non-smoke testing setup), we'll use that instead. I'm more 
concerned with getting test data in a consistent and exportable format 
for this round than exactly what system and format is used; that's the 
reason this is a small-scale trial.
> I'm going to be busy with Gregg Smith's Feature roadmap rework; so I 
> *won't* be able to work on Proofs of concept for the magic buttons:  

Hurrah, magic buttons! Good luck!


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