[Testing] Bug huntin' saga: what versions of activities ship with g1g1?

Mel Chua mel at laptop.org
Thu Dec 4 23:07:06 EST 2008

In the spirit of becoming a better tester, I'll throw out a snapshot of 
one of the bug-huntin' sagas I ended up running in today.


Thanks to Arjun for pointing out the glitches! I'm trying to get good 
examples of how the development/testing/bug-reporting process up, so 
it's easier to teach others to do it.

Some comments:

* I spent way too long on this (~1.5hr for these 2 bugs - about half 
asking questions to track down what to put in the tickets, and half 
writing up that blog post of the process for illustrative purposes.) 
Normally I wouldn't spend this long on a small issue like this, but I 
figured I'd turn it into a moment for review.

* ...but I think the bug reports turned out well.

* I probably could have done the whole thing in 40 minutes or so if I'd 
gone into the conversation with the mindset of "I'm here to find out 
what to put into a ticket."

* Of the ~45min I spent asking questions, all but perhaps the last 15 
minutes were spent figuring out what questions I should have been asking.

* In the course of doing this, I feel like I became a lot more informed 
about our build process.

Feedback/thoughts/etc welcome. :)


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