[Testing] Bug huntin' saga: what versions of activities ship with g1g1?

Arjun Sarwal arjun at laptop.org
Fri Dec 5 08:07:12 EST 2008

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Mel Chua <mel at laptop.org> wrote:

> In the spirit of becoming a better tester, I'll throw out a snapshot of one
> of the bug-huntin' sagas I ended up running in today.
> http://blog.melchua.com/2008/12/04/what-versions-of-activities-are-shipped-with-g1g1/
> Thanks to Arjun for pointing out the glitches! I'm trying to get good
> examples of how the development/testing/bug-reporting process up, so it's
> easier to teach others to do it.
> Some comments:
> * I spent way too long on this (~1.5hr for these 2 bugs - about half asking
> questions to track down what to put in the tickets, and half writing up that
> blog post of the process for illustrative purposes.) Normally I wouldn't
> spend this long on a small issue like this, but I figured I'd turn it into a
> moment for review.
> * ...but I think the bug reports turned out well.
> * I probably could have done the whole thing in 40 minutes or so if I'd
> gone into the conversation with the mindset of "I'm here to find out what to
> put into a ticket."
> * Of the ~45min I spent asking questions, all but perhaps the last 15
> minutes were spent figuring out what questions I should have been asking.
> * In the course of doing this, I feel like I became a lot more informed
> about our build process.
> Feedback/thoughts/etc welcome. :)
> -Mel

The G1G1 Activities page mentions correctly the version of Activities
shipped. My bad that I read through build log of os767. I should get better
at understanding these logs  :)
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