[Testing] Final Testing for Trial-3, 9/25

Kim Quirk kim at laptop.org
Tue Sep 25 10:19:29 EDT 2007

This week is one of the most important weeks for Trial-3 testing. We prefer
not to change the code base because of the risk of regressing, but there may
still be some a few critical bugs that we can't work around or document.
Also, this is the time to document all the work arounds that we know of and
start the formal release notes.

Below I have identified some of the ciritical areas that we should focus
testing on at the beginning of the week (please comment on others areas as
well). If I know someone is working in the area I have added their name. If
there is no name and you are available to help -- please jump in!

For this testing, please use the latest build, 603, OFW q2c27.

* Startup/Activation, Ivan, cscott, Kim, AlexL - we really need to mock this
up and do some testing this week.
* Upgrades, Rafael, cscott - I would like to understand what testing we can
do and the differences between USB-based upgrades and Server-based upgrades
to the laptops (prep for frs)
* Journal, USB and human-readable names: Alex Latham, Tomeu, cscott (for
school server backups)
* Localization, AlexL, Bernie - need spanish and amharic for FRS
* Mesh/connectivity, AkexL, Zack, Yani - need to test all types of
connectivity (under a tree, to AP and WEP/WPA AP, to school server mesh, XO
as MPP); need to test collaboration activities in these scenarios; need to
get large scale laptop testing (>20 to start)
* Backward compatibility upgrade, AlexK (can you look at this test plan?
Work with AlexL who has done some of this testing already)
* Activity testing, AlexK (?), anyone?? (There is currently a blocking bug
in paint in that it doesn't work with the journal. This is the kind of thing
we need to know to help decide what will be in the trial-3 build)
* Journal performance, Mako - it would be great to be able to document at
what point things get really slow. Perhaps we can recommend that people
delete things from the journal (or something)
* B2 performance, (?) document ideas on better performance, how to use the
camera (if at all), closing activities, etc.

- Kim
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