[Testing] Ship Meeting Agenda, for 9/10/07 (today) 11am EDT

Kim Quirk kim at laptop.org
Mon Sep 10 19:18:48 EDT 2007

Attending: Kim, Michail, Mary Lou, Wad, Richard, SJ
(see agenda below)


   - We are a week behind in the schedule -- we are pushing hard to get
   to code freeze this week. Quanta is 2 weeks later than we thought when we
   created these schedules so we have a little bit of slack.

   - Gnome desktop - we had a discussion about where the communications
   disconnect has been since Nicholas, Mary Lou, Robert, and Walter (and maybe
   Jim) have all known about the need for a RedHat supported desktop for
      - There is no plan internally for this project. Perhaps the plan
      was to do it entirely outside of OLPC people.
      - Kim's concern is that if this alternate desktop is not well
      supported it will still reflect badly on OLPC. She is also
concerned about
      prioritizing the usage olpc resources that have high priority bugs and
      features for trial-3 and FRS. If/when this is an issue she will
bring it up
      with Walter.

   - Suspend/Resume - lots of resources are being used to get to the
   bottom of this bug(s). We discussed getting AMD more involved and Wad
   suggested we are pretty close to knowing whether we need that, but there are
   a few more things we are monitoring. There have been significant differences
   in this problem from build to build. Quanta is trying to help as well as
   Jordan, Cozybits, and Marvell.

   - There was discussion on how to best inform everyone when a build is
   not good. Today many developers and all the test group use the 'Test
   Group Release
Notes'<http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_Group_Release_Notes>to state
whether it passes the basic smoke test. Others don't have to waste
   their time downloading a new release if it isn't very good.

   - Process: We discussed the process needed for getting new features or
   products scheduled. If a product is requested, then the response from the
   dev/test mgmt needs to be the time, resources and current priorities that
   will be affected. Then at the ship meeting, decisions can be made on
   prioritization of all the features/products. It feels like we aren't scoping
   out the true needs of a project (like the alternate desktop), and presenting
   the info on what the trade offs are. Even if the entire project is being
   managed by a third party; someone has to manage the third party to ensure
   that the work gets done. Is there any testing we would do in house for that?

   - John provided a high level update school server. This code base
   needs to be there for testing with the laptops, but it does not need to be
   dropped to Quanta, so it doesn't have the same schedule as the laptops.
   - We are removing the 'hooks for school server filtering' from
   trial-3. Filtering will not be available.

- Kim

On 9/10/07, Kim Quirk <kim at laptop.org> wrote:
> This weeks push is to fix many bugs and get to code freeze by the end of
> the week. Please review the items with a * in the trial-3 features list - we
> need to get updates on those early this week.
> Call in:
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> *------
> *
> *Agenda:*
> Major Milestones
>    - Trial-3 SW, Beta
>       - 9/17/07 - Code Freeze
>       - 9/21/07 - Release to Quanta for MP build
>       - 9/28/07 - Final release to Quanta
>    - First Deployment (via deployment team)
>       - 10/15/07 - Code freeze (should be only a very few features)
>       - 10/30/07 - Release target date
> Meetings this week:
>    - Test group meetings, Monday 1pm
>    - Datastore and tubes, Tues 12:00
>    - Security, Tues 4pm
>    - Kernel/OS/System blocking bug review, Tues 9pm
>    - Sugar/Design, Wed 10am
>    - School Server, Wed 3pm
> Areas of Concern/Discussion:
>    - Number of open bugs in Trial-3
>    - Wireless suspend/resume bug
>    - Update on Activation with real crypto
>    - Hiring
> Trial-3 SW Features, from Roadmap (items with a * are still open or need
> to provide update)
> XO Features:
> * USB-based upgrades with backup/restore
> * Journal: initiates backup to server, auto-install of .xo files (#2856) and .xol files(*), tags, sorting, filtering, performance
> * Security: Real crypto activation (*), signed upgrades(*), containers without restraints
> * Power Management: OHM features, turn off wireless with lid close (*)
> * Mesh/Sugar UI: Invites (*), badges/states of connectivity, extended taskbar icons, splash screen (*), visual scalability (*)
> * Tubes: improvements in large messages, activity properties (titles, tags), invites (*), scalability in mesh traffic (*)
> * Activities with taskbar icons: Write (need caps lock), Camera, Paint, Browse (need tabs, bookmarks), Chat, eToys, TamTam, Turtle Art, Measure, Pippy
> * Other Activities (may not be available in taskbar): Read, Watch&Listen, Newsreader, Journal, Library, Develop (console only)
> * X server update to 1.4 (*)
> School Server:
> * Remote access to server (IPv6 tunneling)
> * Server upgrade (fedora yum, what to do with locally changed config)
> * Support for Laptop Backup/Restore, upgrades (*)
> * Name resolution, Presence Service (jabber), DHCP/RADVD, Web Cache (*)
> * Activation, Registration (*)
> * Support for Journal backup to school server (*)
> * Hooks for filtering (*)
> * Web Server
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