[Testing] Ship Meeting Agenda, for 9/10/07 (today) 11am EDT

Kim Quirk kim at laptop.org
Mon Sep 10 10:07:54 EDT 2007

This weeks push is to fix many bugs and get to code freeze by the end of the
week. Please review the items with a * in the trial-3 features list - we
need to get updates on those early this week.

Call in:
 From the United States
 From Outside the United States
    access code: 8069698


Major Milestones

   - Trial-3 SW, Beta
      - 9/17/07 - Code Freeze
      - 9/21/07 - Release to Quanta for MP build
      - 9/28/07 - Final release to Quanta
   - First Deployment (via deployment team)
      - 10/15/07 - Code freeze (should be only a very few features)
      - 10/30/07 - Release target date

Meetings this week:

   - Test group meetings, Monday 1pm
   - Datastore and tubes, Tues 12:00
   - Security, Tues 4pm
   - Kernel/OS/System blocking bug review, Tues 9pm
   - Sugar/Design, Wed 10am
   - School Server, Wed 3pm

Areas of Concern/Discussion:

   - Number of open bugs in Trial-3
   - Wireless suspend/resume bug
   - Update on Activation with real crypto
   - Hiring

Trial-3 SW Features, from Roadmap (items with a * are still open or need to
provide update)
XO Features:

* USB-based upgrades with backup/restore
* Journal: initiates backup to server, auto-install of .xo files
(#2856) and .xol files(*), tags, sorting, filtering, performance
* Security: Real crypto activation (*), signed upgrades(*), containers
without restraints
* Power Management: OHM features, turn off wireless with lid close (*)
* Mesh/Sugar UI: Invites (*), badges/states of connectivity, extended
taskbar icons, splash screen (*), visual scalability (*)
* Tubes: improvements in large messages, activity properties (titles,
tags), invites (*), scalability in mesh traffic (*)
* Activities with taskbar icons: Write (need caps lock), Camera,
Paint, Browse (need tabs, bookmarks), Chat, eToys, TamTam, Turtle Art,
Measure, Pippy
* Other Activities (may not be available in taskbar): Read,
Watch&Listen, Newsreader, Journal, Library, Develop (console only)
* X server update to 1.4 (*)

School Server:

* Remote access to server (IPv6 tunneling)
* Server upgrade (fedora yum, what to do with locally changed config)
* Support for Laptop Backup/Restore, upgrades (*)
* Name resolution, Presence Service (jabber), DHCP/RADVD, Web Cache (*)
* Activation, Registration (*)
* Support for Journal backup to school server (*)
* Hooks for filtering (*)
* Web Server
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