[Server-devel] comparison of XSCE 6.1 Admin Console's Utilities on Latest FedBerry/Raspbian OS's

Adam Holt holt at laptop.org
Fri Oct 28 16:35:51 EDT 2016

Below's a quick tour of the Utilities menu resulting from Tim's hard work
within http://<server>/admin on 2 very different Linux OS's.

Tests were attempted using XSCE 6.1 on RPi3 (Raspberry Pi 3), after some
incredible prep/packaging work by Jerry Vonau & George Hunt on these 2 very
different OS's.

Keep in mind that both are OS's and XSCE integration are VERY new, so this
is NOT a proper bakeoff while the dust is still settling, but rather just
an early look at the differences for all!  Comparing:

1) Jerry Vonau's XSCE 6.1 on the latest http://FedBerry.org (Fedora 25
release in coming weeks will be much the same)

2) George Hunt's XSCE 6.1 on the brand new "Raspbian Pixel" (OS from late
September, that includes Chromium as default browser, making many things
smoother than Epiphany for field tinkerers who don't have good connectivity
to download Firefox etc)

All tests used the Utilities menu within http://<server>/admin on the 2
systems above:

   - Change Password: *works (feedback missing if password change fails,
   e.g. if less than 8 characters etc)*
   - Display Job Status: *priceless after clicking "Install Configured
   Options" (during long Ansible jobs, keep clicking Refresh Status!*)
   - Display Command Log: *same as what you see on login to
   - Admin Tools:
      - *XOVis: i've not yet enabled this.*
      - *Munin: what is the username and password? **(Raspbian shows "*
      - *AWStats: works!*
   - Display Ansible Facts: *works!*
   - Display XSCE.INI File: *works!*
   - Display System Memory: *works!*
   - Display System Storage: *doesn't show key partitions/space on Raspbian
   (compare "df -h" or results from a Fedora-like backend)*
   - Perform Internet Speed Test
      - Run 10M Speed Test: *works almost instantly, but results could
      clarify Mbits/sec or MBytes/sec?*
      - Run 100M Speed Test:
*never responds, no matter how long I wait, worrisome as I have plenty of
      bandwdith on both cases :/ *
   - Run Ansible by Tag: *priceless, given that "Install Configured
   Options" (ansible) can sometimes take an hour or so to complete!*

PS Take a quick tour of the Utilities menu by clicking on Help > Utilities
within http://<server>/admin for a bit more context on some of the submenus
above.  More testing later as time permits!!

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