[Server-devel] mkusbinstall enhancements

Jerry Vonau jvonau at shaw.ca
Sun Feb 22 14:27:37 EST 2009

On Sat, 2009-02-21 at 17:24 -0600, Jerry Vonau wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 15:02 +1300, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 6:50 AM, Jerry Vonau <jvonau at shaw.ca> wrote:
> > >> I need to append "method=hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/iso" to the same line,
> > >
> > > Can you change this line in the patch from:
> > > sed -i -e 's/cdrom:/hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/g'
> > > $USBMNT/$SYSLINUXPATH/isolinux.cfg
> > 
> > I folded the second part of your patch (which I had dropped yesterday,
> > sorry!) with this change in the sed line.
> > 
> > Actually, I changed the sed line a bit to only add method if it's not
> > there. If it's there, we try to replace it if it was method=cdrom. See
> > 
> > http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/xs-livecd;a=commitdiff;h=aae67834bd1f450cf365349dca02968483842535
> > 
> > cheers,
> > 
> Martin:
> The method= part will only work with the patches in my rpm. It fails
> when setting up the repos. 
> I'm testing a work around for missing openssl rpm on usb installs ATM, I
> placed the missing rpm in a directory /updates on the usb key. Then I
> ran createrepo on that directory, and to the top of the ks.cfg file
> added: "repo --name=updates --baseurl=file:///mnt/isodir" 
> Install is running now, will report back later with results
> Jerry

Wow, did I have a fun night for once, sorry for the delay in replying. 

That should of read --baseurl=file:///mnt/isodir/updates

I've uploaded a XSupdates.zip to http://members.shaw.ca/jvonau/pub/0216/
Just unpack the zip to your usbdrive and add the line in sample.ks to
the top of the present ks.cfg file on the usbdrive. The installer should
add the repo into its repo setup routine and be available for the

This look like it maybe useful to rollout incremental changes to the
base rpms, instead of installing, then "yum updating" we could packages
up the newer rpm files for use with this "updates repo" and have them
installed from the get go. We could add a createrepo routine to
mkusbinstall to create a blank repo in updates off the bat and leave the
repo line in the ks.cfg file, should have no ill effects if there is
nothing present in the repo.

just some thoughts





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