[Server-devel] EduBlog v0.1 Available for Comment!

Greg Smith (gregmsmi) gregmsmi at cisco.com
Thu Jun 12 11:17:54 EDT 2008

Hi Tarun,

Which blog do you mean on this?
>The blog link takes the kid to the sitewide standard Moodle blog page. 

I don't want to over design this. I think it needs more user testing but
here are the options I can see.

If there's one blog (call it "frog blog") then it should be trivial:
Enter text, click post on link that says: "post to frog blog" or "send
frog blog post to teacher".

If there are two blogs one internal and on external also trivial:
Enter text, click "post to "frog blog internal" or "post to frog blog
external" plus teacher or no teacher as configured.

If there are many blogs ("frog blog", "class blog" and "student blog")
it could be:
- Radio button, drop down or multiple links to choose right blog and the
same links as above.

In all cases it there should be a link next to the blog name to see the
current blog. Make sure that if they start typing then click that link
then click back they don't lose their text!

One challenge is that after you post, if you made a mistake you can't
easily take it down. Do the APIs have an option to delete? E.g. see:
http://cardal-ceibal.blogspot.com/ where he accidentally posted then had
to re-post.

Those are my thoughts but let's get it working in a primitive way and
then get feedback. We can have an option for many blogs then recommend
that the teacher only enable one or two at a time so its up to them.
Let's nail the 1 or 2 blog case and just be ready to add many more if

Also, I don't think the teacher should have to configure a customized
student page for each kid. Better if they set it once and then their
whole class sees the same thing. However, that makes it hard to have a
blog for each kid... Maybe same config for all with option to show 1 or
2 kid specific blogs and you just set that option for all (stretch goal
for sure :-)

Lastly, after post it would be nice to redirect to the blog site to see
your post. If there is latency that may not be easy. If the API can come
back and say "posted" then you redirect or then you show a link that may
be better.

HTHs. Not sure about Moodle home blog page but if that's the way Moodle
does it and no kids or teachers complain its OK with me. Let me get the
hosted XS online ASAP so we can see that and try it out.


Greg S

-----Original Message-----
From: Tarun Pondicherry [mailto:tarunpondicherry at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:46 AM
To: Greg Smith (gregmsmi)
Cc: server-devel at lists.laptop.org
Subject: Re: [Server-devel] EduBlog v0.1 Available for Comment!

Hi Greg,
> Here's my thinking. An admin (probably a teacher) sets up a bunch of 
> blogs on blogger.com and in moodle.
Makes sense, will have that mock up done in the next couple days.

Martin may have some ideas on this, but this is what I am thinking for

The blog link takes the kid to the sitewide standard Moodle blog page.  
That page at the bottom will have all the "where to post options".  This
can post to ou blog if there are course specific blogs with ou blog or
to Blogger.com.  What do you think?

Also, the confusion I have with blog specific info is that we don't know
where the kid wants to post until after they select it in the client
side GUI.  How do we determine that?


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