[Server-devel] Transfers between xo and school-server

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at tomeuvizoso.net
Tue Apr 8 14:13:55 EDT 2008


2008/4/8 Robson Mendonça <robsonmwoc at gmail.com>:
> Hello people!
> This is my first contribution to this mailing-list, and I need some
> orientation about a proposal that I did to OLPC through the GSOC.
> My proposal is implement a method to publication of the objects saved in the
> Journal to School Server, and build a web interface,
>  witch become possible the teachers and parents interactions with the
> productions of the children.
> If you want see my proposal I can send it.

Could you please copy it to wiki.laptop.org?

> So, I still looking for something that can be a guideline to make this new
> Journal resource, I know that is possible update the XO
>  through the web, but I didn't find the API that make this work.

What do you mean by update the XO through the web? You mean
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Olpc-update ?

> I only need some indication, a start point to learn about the transfers
> between XO and XS, somebody can help me?

Well, I'm afraid that as of today there is no backup of the journal to
the school server. Or is there?

There was some talk about the xos to initiate backup of their journals
when they got in reach of the school server, taking some precautions
to not overflood the network, the server nor the XO.

The server would have the ability to interpret the metadata and
display to the user the contents of the backed up journal. That
software would be able to perform full text search on part of the text
related to entries.

The part that is closer to your proposal is the possibility for kids
to consult the public part of their colleagues' journals.

Ideally, the transfer of entries to the school server would happen
transparently to the user, although perhaps we should add an option to
initiate a single transfer in order to publish an entry without having
to wait for the backup to finish.

Would like to know if this is anywhere close to what other people had in mind?



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