[Server-devel] Transfers between xo and school-server

Robson Mendonça robsonmwoc at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 13:59:16 EDT 2008

Hello people!

This is my first contribution to this mailing-list, and I need some
orientation about a proposal that I did to OLPC through the GSOC.

My proposal is implement a method to publication of the objects saved in the
Journal to School Server, and build a web interface,
witch become possible the teachers and parents interactions with the
productions of the children.

If you want see my proposal I can send it.

So, I still looking for something that can be a guideline to make this new
Journal resource, I know that is possible update the XO
through the web, but I didn't find the API that make this work.

I only need some indication, a start point to learn about the transfers
between XO and XS, somebody can help me?

Thanks for you attention, and sorry about my poor english.


Robson Mendonça
Desenvolvedor Tecnológico
LEC - Laboratório de Estudos Cognitivos - UFRGS
Centro de Excelência Sun para Desenvolvimento de Soluções de TI para
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