[Openec] build errors

Frieder Ferlemann frieder.ferlemann at web.de
Thu Aug 2 20:05:16 EDT 2007

Hi Joel,

Joel Stanley schrieb:
> In the mean time, I grabbed a nightly build of sdcc. Attached is the
> output of building using that; does this look right to you Frieder?

Yes, you got it!)

The compiler generated openec.ihx is an intermediate file. The file:

"openec.do_not_use.bin" (length 65536 byte)

is the one that would be used (later). It most certainly will
brick the XO so ONLY those who can recover a bricked XO
may use it!!!

With an hex editor you should see that the file begins
with 0x02 (the opcode for longjump ljmp) and that there
are build strings at the end of the 64k.
Use f.e. "hexdump -C openec.do_not_use.bin"
"strings openec.do_not_use.bin"
or simply the built-in hex viewer of Midnight Commander (mc)
to see what you've got:)


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