[Openec] debugging data

Joel Stanley joel at laptop.org
Wed Aug 1 17:36:37 EDT 2007

On 7/30/07, Frieder Ferlemann <frieder.ferlemann at web.de> wrote:
> I plan to use the topmost 64 byte of RAM to hold debugging
> info (currently the complete state of all statemachines).
> If the BIOS could show (on a press of an USB keyboard)
> a short version and a long version of the data there
> that would be great.

Freider suggested to me I write some Forth that would read the top 64
bytes of EC RAM and display this debugging data.

I think we can use the Forth word that Mitch gave me for the ec-dump script.

: ec-range  ( adr len -- )
   over 4 u.r ."  :    "    bounds do i ec@ 3 u.r loop  cr

then to use:

ok 00 4 ec-range
  0:     2 ca ef 2

ok 12 2 ec-range
 12:   22 2

Freider; does the code already store the debugging info? If so,  point
me to the files and I'll work at making it display the data in a
slightly more human readable format.


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