[Olpc-uk] OLPC UK Pilot Laptop Proposal - HELP NEEDED

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Thu Jun 11 07:46:07 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:47:46AM +0100, Michael Jordan wrote:
> Martin,
> Many of your points are important not only for the application, but also for
> organisation of the pilot.
> For instance, some of my current concerns each relating to some of your
> points raised include:
> * Deployment Set up time: How much time will it take to setup the XO's once
> we have finalised what the teacher's want on them for the pilot?

Let's budget 2 weeks for this, assuming *a number* of iterations of
"try this build".  So the process has to start well before that 2 week

> Who is available for this? When?

I am.  Now.

> * Pilot Assessment: We need to define what we want / need to achieve in the
> pilot and how to measure it for it to be of value?

Absolutely.  Ideally someone from OLPC UK would do it.  I came across
some geography / education Professors' web sites talking about
"frameworks for evaluating OLPC/ICT deployments".  I bet they'd lend
some enthusiasm.

> * Ongoing Support: for the pilot this will need to be done by us, support in
> terms of answering questions / issues raised by the IT team looking after
> the school.  Who will manage this? How much time will participants need to
> allocate?

I don't think we can do this ourselves.  I think we can answer the
questions of the people that are answering the in-school questions.

> In terms of your points:
> contribution to community: I think the big contribution to the community
> relates to the school demographics. The potential pilot schools both have a
> large number of low income families, diverse ethnic backgrounds and
> nationalities and, therefore, greater needs for support in education.

So "digital divide"?  Please say more...

> Additional people: It would be great if a number of others could lend their
> names / biographies and identify where they may be able to contribute to the
> pilot

Can't stress this enough.  Please people: get involved.

> Michael

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