[Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version Music Keyboard-7

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho en hotmail.com
Vie Mayo 3 12:30:08 EDT 2013

Hi Gonzalo...
Check the note about Ti/Si below....
I couldn't get it to start on an XO-1 yet.  It tries to load the screen but fails. Which build should I try it with? I tried 2 one was 12. something and the other was 13.1.0. Any suggestions?

Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 08:43:09 -0300
From: gonzalo en laptop.org
To: olpc-sur en lists.laptop.org
Subject: Re: [Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version Music Keyboard-7

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho en hotmail.com> wrote:

Felicitaciones Gonzalo! Me encanta!

You have done an excellent job with this. The way you allow the user to switch from Qwerty to DoReMe to CDE is ingenious. I checked the intonation with an electronic tuner, and it is right on the pitch it is supposed to be.  

Two small suggestions...
* In some countries "Ti" is used instead of "Si." Is there any way to switch these on the keys in the  DoReMi keyboard?

I am not sure about what to do here: if support the different names as a localization, then a translator can put the names,or if I should add another button in the toolbar, and change to another representation, almost equal, but with Ti instead of Si.
Created ticket https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4495
I like the idea of a button on the toolbar. Just make it "Ti/Si" (or "Si/Ti") and they should be able to figure out what to do with it. Trying to do localization would require doing a huge survey of which one is used where.  
* Each of the sharps (#s) has a corresponding enharmonic flat (b... well it looks sort of like a "b"). Could you include them above the sharp names on the black keys? So they would go like this...

Db   Eb   Gb   Ab   Bb   Db   Eb   Gb   Ab   BbC#   D#   F#   G#   A#   C#   D#   F#   G#   A#

That way, when a song was in a "flat key" (and lots of them are) there would be no "translation" problem!

Hmm, I understand. Is something we can do modifying a little the codeFilled another ticket https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4496
 I'll play with it some more in the next few days and let you know if there are any other things you might consider. So far, I just tried it on an XO-4 with a touch screen. I need to update an XO-1 so I can see how it works there.

Thanks by the comments. Feedback is welcome.
Muy buen trabajo!Carolina (Caryl)

> To: olpc-sur en lists.laptop.org

> Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 17:44:40 -0400
> From: activities en sugarlabs.org
> Subject: [Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version Music Keyboard-7

> Página web de la actividad:
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/addon/4654
> Sugar Platform:
> 0.98 - 0.100

> Descargar ahora:
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/downloads/file/28558/music_keyboard-7.xo

> Notas de la versión:
> Output to ALSA directly from csound (Daniel Drake)
> Sugar Labs Activities
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org

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