[Sur] Acróstico

rosamel norma ramirez mendez rosanor43 en hotmail.com
Sab Dic 19 09:44:04 EST 2009

Gabriel...mira que van a pensar que yo se hacer todo esos links...apenas se cobrar por cajero jajajja
Muy bueno...gracias y ojalá para el 2010 hayan muchos y muchas maestros/as sudamericanos que publiquen sus experiencias con las laptops.
Saludos Rosamel

> Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 10:58:35 -0200
> From: geirea en gmail.com
> To: iaep en lists.sugarlabs.org; olpc-sur en lists.laptop.org
> Subject: Re: [Sur] Acróstico
> Hi all,
> I'm sending a translation of Rosamel's message in olpc-sur.
> Regards,
> Gabriel
> [Starting translation]
> I want to share an ACROSTIC made by my students with their families
> (form a very difficult socio-cultural context) that they gave me as a
> end-of-the-year's present, with a photograph of the group, wrote in
> handwriting, and signed by all of them.
> I was so move that I started to read it aloud and ended up crying when
> they gave it to me, at the scool's party. I'm going to frame it and
> put it in my home.
> It says:
> Estamos agradecidos por todo lo que nos enseñó.
>     We are thankful for all you have taught us.
> Sembró en nuestras cabecitas que con poquito, se puede llegar lejos.
>     You sowed in our little heads that with very little, one can get far.
> Proyectos, trabajo y estudio, estuvieron.
>     Projects, work and study, were.
> Orden! entre cuentos y risas.
>     Order! among tales and smiles.
> Nada nos impidió aprender conocimientos nuevos
>     Nothing prevented us from learning new knowledge
> Jamás pensamos que desde l a Laptop, pudiéramos aprender tanto
>     We never thought that from the Laptop we could learn so much
> Amigos hicimos en el camino
>     Friends we made on the way
> Verdad y esfuerzo, entre todos.
>     Truth and effort, among all of us.
> Etoys fue la palabra de moda , que nuestros padres escucharon.
>     Etoys was the word in fashion, that our parents heard.
> Gran curiosidad despertó en todos el trabajo del grupo
>     Great curiosity awoke in us team work
> Etoys
>     Etoys
> Tortugarte
>     TurtleArt
> Animación...estuvieron a la orden de nuestros días, pero también nos enseñó...
>     Animation... were present in our days, but you also taught us...
> Lealtald a nuetros principios, a nuestros padres y sobre todo que lo
> que queremos lograr, depende de nosotros mismos!
>     Loyalty to our principles, our parents and over all that what we
> want to achieve depends on ourselves!
> Friends of Peru: it would be interesting to give this material to the
> education authorities in your country. It is the best evaluation that
> they can make of Plan Ceibal. [N. on T.: this was following critics of
> the OLPC program made by the peruvian press:
> http://www.larepublica.pe/archive/all/domingo/20091213/12/node/238081/todos/1558]
> ESPONJA VEGETAL [vegetal sponge, loofah] is the non-edible fruit of a
> plant that we are cultivating in the school's neighborhood.
> Greetings to all,
> Rosamel
> [Rosamel's blog in Spanish: http://www.blogedu-rosamel.blogspot.com/]
> [Loofah project 1:
> http://blogedu-rosamel.blogspot.com/2009/11/cultivo-de-esponja-vegetal-durazno.html]
> [Loofah project 2:
> http://blogedu-rosamel.blogspot.com/2009/11/nuestro-cultivo-de-esponja-vegetal.html]
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