[Olpc-indonesia] Indonesia XO Deployment / Initial Assessment

forster at ozonline.com.au forster at ozonline.com.au
Sat Jun 9 22:52:41 EDT 2012

Hi Sofyan

> Project Objectives - as the main point of the project is to provide
> children and educators a dynamic and effective lesson plan that will
> eventually be implemented independently..... In regards to the above, I > find myself grappling with a an effective
> Project Objective that will serve as an integral means of raising funds.

It might be useful to look at Waveplace www.waveplace.org/

They have been very effective at raising funds from private donors. I put that in part to having a very clear project that they could present to donors:

* They already had a strong relationship with their first school
* A clear goal, to prevent the Carribean becoming a big tourist resort with its citizens in menial jobs
* A vision of how to get there, harnessing local creativity to become a multimedia exporter
* Detail, using Etoys for digital storytelling

I hope that is helpful


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