[Olpc-indonesia] OLPC Pilot project launches in West Papua

Arief M Utama arief.utama at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 04:16:37 EDT 2011

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the information.

On 02/08/11 14:20, Ken Kahn wrote:
> Yesterday a local school in Manokwari received 14 XO laptops. See

Can u share how this is accomplished? How do we copy this to provide the 
laptops to other schools?

> Any support from this list would be greatly appreciated. In
> particular, the lack of localisation for Indonesian is a problem. None
> of the school teachers speak English. The project has a few volunteers
> from the nearby university who speak English and Indonesian. I visited
> http://translate.sugarlabs.org/id/ and saw that 19% is translated.

I'm currently the admin for OLPC Indonesian translation,
Will try to improve it from time to time. Lack of time is mostly the 

Every help is much appreciated. So I welcome anyone else that would like 
to help out.

All the best.

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