[OLPC.ch] Statuten für eine Vereinsgründung: Vernehmlassung / article of association: consultation
Niklaus Giger
niklaus.giger at member.fsf.org
Thu Jun 12 15:49:35 EDT 2008
As I was busy to work on our quarterly newsletter "Nüüs vu Mullis", I had no time to participate
in the lively OLPC-CH discussion.
Here my 2 cents:
Statuten are overly compilicated. As a counter example I attache those from our local association,
which managed to survive over 100 years. I would propose to take it, change the few things we want different,
eg. languages, use of e-mail, HV in the first 6 months, only 3 members on the board.
And limit the "Zweckartikel" to two or at most three short sentences, which I would propose in German like:
Zweck des Vereins ist es, die vom MIT (Massachuasts Institute of Technology) initiierte Bewegung OLPC "One Laptop
Per Child" in der Schweiz und auf der ganzen Welt zu unterstützen, um so allen Kinder auf dieser Welt
zu einer guten Bildung zu verhelfen.
Just for sake of simplicity. Already say who would benefit from the (possible) fortune left by dissolution of the
association (e.g. the red cross).
If you go into the proposed details you will have at every assembly a long (and probably heated) discussion
over the "Statutenänderung". If you leave most of the things open, you migth focus the discussions on the
problems to be solved and the initiatives to be taken. That is my experience collect in over 35 years of
members in different association.
Best regards
Am Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2008 schrieb Michele Notari:
> Ciao
> A few days ago I presented on the mailing list a draft of an 'article of association' (Statuten für eine Vereinsgründung)
> Some persons gave a feedback to my propositions.
> Meanwhile we could find 3 Persons for the foundation of a non-profit association. And we decided to do so. The main reason for this step is to have the possibility to gather founds for our projects without having to pay any taxes ..
> Nobody is oblyged to participate or to be member. The association will help founding activities of members and nonmembers.
> If you wish to comment or to change some articles of our article of association (-> Statuten) please do so. http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Articles_of_Association:_OLPC-ch
> If you wish to be member of the executive Board (Vorstand) please tell us.
> Persons in the executive board:
> Michele Notari
> Beat Döbeli
> Bendedikt Trefzer
> Please comment the article of association until the end of this week.
> Thanks
> Michele
Niklaus Giger
Wieshoschet 6
CH-8753 Mollis
Tel. ++41 55 612 20 54 (privat)
Tel. ++41 55 618 64 68 (Geschäft)
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