[OLPC.ch] Statuten für eine Vereinsgründung: Vernehmlassung / article of association: consultation

Döbeli Honegger Beat PHZ Schwyz beat.doebeli at phz.ch
Thu Jun 12 11:23:30 EDT 2008

Hello Michele,

> A few days ago I presented on the mailing list a draft of an 
> 'article of association' (Statuten für eine Vereinsgründung)

Upto now, goal number 4 didn't disturb me much enough to react:

"4. Promote the programming environment Squeak in the German speaking area by adequate examples and ideas developed in Swiss pedagogic universities and tested in Swiss schools."

Is promoting squeak really a main goal of OLPC Switzerland? I would propose to delete this goal from "Ziele und Aufgaben". 

Any opposition?


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