[OLPC.ch] FW: [OLPC-DE] [Fwd: Re: #7116 NORM Never A: Possible European G1G1program needs appropriate keyboards]

Döbeli Honegger Beat PHZ Schwyz beat.doebeli at phz.ch
Mon Jun 9 16:56:37 EDT 2008

Hallo zusammen,

hier eine Info vom Kim Quirk an OLPC-DE, dass es im Rahmen von G1G1-Europe nur US-Tastaturen geben wird, da alles andere zu aufwändig sei. Wenn das bei DE, FR, IT und UK so ist, müssen wir glaub nicht mehr über CH-DE und CH-FR diskutieren ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: olpc-de-bounces at lists.laptop.org 
> [mailto:olpc-de-bounces at lists.laptop.org] On Behalf Of Kim Quirk
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 6:13 AM
> To: Holger Levsen
> Cc: olpc-de at lists.laptop.org; Edward Cherlin; Chuck Kane; 
> devel at lists.laptop.org; OLPC Localization list; OLPC Devel; 
> Community Support Volunteers -- who help respond to help ATlaptop.org
> Subject: Re: [OLPC-DE] [Fwd: Re: #7116 NORM Never A: Possible 
> European G1G1program needs appropriate keyboards]
> Hi Holger,
> We are hoping that the company we partner with for the G1G1 
> program will bring some knowledge to us about what is needed 
> for each country where we want to ship. We will start with 
> that information and then figure out the things that aren't 
> understood. For instance, for products shipping from the US 
> to Germany, I'm sure there are some mandatory certifications 
> required (the equivalent of UL or CE). Perhaps the 
> certifications are for all of the EU countries. Also, some 
> countries may require a minimum warranty or returns policy. 
> There might be different rules for a non-profit company.
> As for keyboards, we will only be able to ship one keyboard - 
> US/International. We have to forecast the parts many months 
> ahead of when they can be built and shipped; and our 
> manufacturer cannot build small quantities of anything. So we 
> will have all the keyboards go out US/International; and the 
> choice of power adapter will probably have to be limited as 
> well to US or EU.
> Thanks,
> Kim

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