Lorenz Schori lorenz.schori at gmx.ch
Thu Jun 5 11:48:52 EDT 2008

Hi All

Because we briefly touched the subject of OLPCs meshing capabilities
(and limitations) yesterday at the OLPC-CH meeting in Berne I'd like to
point to a discussion which just came up on the developers mailing list
of olsrd, a routing daemon widely used in community wireless networks
like freifunk.net and openwireless.ch.


The big difference between OLSR and 802.11s is that the former
operates on OSI layer 3 and the latter on layer 2. This means that
OLSR sets up an appropriate routing table in each node while 802.11s
tries to emulate a very big switched network where every node is seen
as a one hop neighbor from each other.

There is a new and very promising competitor to OLSR called B.A.T.M.A.N
which was developed entirely by the wireless mesh networking community.
It does support both, routed and switched networks.

Little bit off topic but perhaps someone is interested in this kind of
technical things and want to join me in exploring them ;)

Liebi Grüess

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