[Localization] clock.po; waveplace-tutorials

Markus Schlager m.slg at gmx.de
Wed Jun 15 18:53:19 EDT 2011

Hi Chris,

On Tue, 14 Jun 2011, Chris Leonard wrote:

> The WavePlace PO files are to be used by Waveplace by doing a po2txt
> conversion using the Translate Toolkit.  They are not UI strings
> inserted into code, they are simple text to be copied/pasted into a
> text document formatted as Waveplace sees fit (e.g. adding Waveplare
> logo, etc.) with a word processor.
> The first string in the PO file is something of a hack.  It's purpose
> is two-fold.
> 1) to point the localizer to the original context of the entire lesson
> plan and original English document as well as  the instructions on the
> wiki about the importance of eToys context and
> 2) to act as a flag that the tranlsated PO file has not yet been
> uploaded to the Waveplace wiki.  I would prefer that localizers do not
> touch that string at all.  When Waveplace has uploaded the resulting
> document to their Courseware web-site, that string can be translated
> to signify that particular lesson is complete and uploaded.
> Does that make sense to you?

I can get along with it though I wouldn't say I was happy with it. Purpose 
1 could be fulfilled with a comment at the second string as well. Purpose 
2 seems to be difficult to achieve since abviously the string won't get 
translated ever. To me this looks similar to the first couple of 
control-strings in scratch.po which vanished from etoys already.


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