[Localization] clock.po; waveplace-tutorials

Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 12:31:33 EDT 2011

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Markus Schlager <m.slg at gmx.de> wrote:
> Another question concerning the waveplace-tutorials: How are translators
> supposed to handle the first string
> "Original_Reference_-_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE" when a lesson is translated
> completely? I'm rather surprised by the way it looks in the Spanish
> translation of the first lesson. How is the lesson getting transferred to
> waveplace? There's no such thing like 'commit'.


The WavePlace PO files are to be used by Waveplace by doing a po2txt
conversion using the Translate Toolkit.  They are not UI strings
inserted into code, they are simple text to be copied/pasted into a
text document formatted as Waveplace sees fit (e.g. adding Waveplare
logo, etc.) with a word processor.

The first string in the PO file is something of a hack.  It's purpose
is two-fold.

1) to point the localizer to the original context of the entire lesson
plan and original English document as well as  the instructions on the
wiki about the importance of eToys context and

2) to act as a flag that the tranlsated PO file has not yet been
uploaded to the Waveplace wiki.  I would prefer that localizers do not
touch that string at all.  When Waveplace has uploaded the resulting
document to their Courseware web-site, that string can be translated
to signify that particular lesson is complete and uploaded.

Does that make sense to you?


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