[Localization] contents of Localization Digest, Vol 40, Issue 2

Tabitha Roder tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
Sun Jul 18 01:08:54 EDT 2010

> From: Robert Readman <robert_readman at hotmail.com>
> Subject: [Localization] sugarlabs English (United Kingdom) en_GB.
> I am looking to do translations into en_GB for all projects on
> http://translate.sugarlabs.org/
> I note there is an English and also an English (US), for English (United
> Kingdom) should I start translating the English (en) and make localisations
> for Great Britain? if not then could someone please create an en_GB (English
> (United Kingdom)) and then localisations can be done.
Hi Robert
I started doing translation for other English versions but don't think I had
the rights required to submit words, only suggest :-(
I think we have to ask to be recognised as competent translators for this
FWIW, I speak New Zealand English, that is closer to British English than
American. We say "colour" not "color" and "neighbourhood" not

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