[Localization] Installing the Vietnamese Keyboard for the XO

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Thu Apr 15 06:50:02 EDT 2010

On 14/04/2010, at 7:05 AM, Chris Leonard wrote:

> As there have been various changes made over time in software (and in particular the location of the i18n files), simply reporting that something doesn't work is not nearly as helpful as also clearly describing the software version (build) in which it does not work.  It is always possible that it has been fixed since that version was released., and of course, it is always possible that a new bug (sometimes called a reversion) has been introduced.
> Which build (OLPC software version number) is your colleague using?  Knowing that will help the search for an answer to your question.

My XO-1 is running Sugar 0.8.21, build 802. I'll ask Nguyệt about hers.

[Marina, which system is your XO running? Is it the same system as the XOs you were using in Sài Gòn, and the ones you're using now in Hà Nội ? To find this information, go to:

Home screen > wait in centre > Control Panel > My XO ]

How old is this system? I selected "Vietnamese" in the Language prefs and restarted, but hardly anything is translated.

Also, this language pref. does not enable a Vietnamese keyboard layout. I can't access our language in the Write activity. My XO-1 does not have a key to switch between layouts, if that's relevant.

This really does bring up the need for testing before implementing localizations. :(
> On the OLPC wiki, there are some pages that may be of interest:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Keyboard_layouts

This doesn't list a Vietnamese layout.
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Keyboard_layouts/xkb

The required dead keys seem to exist: we just need them in a Vietnamese layout with the added base vowels.
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Customizing_NAND_images#Keyboard

Re. the item on timezones further down the page, the timezone list does not include my location (CST Australia). I've logged a ticket at sugarlabs.
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Creating_A_New_Keyboard_Layout
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Checking_the_Layout_configuration

I'm a little hesitant to set a Vietnamese keyboard layout if there isn't one on the machine. I don't know this machine well enough to mess with its setup on the command line.

I was also a bit puzzled by this one-sentence page:


as Vietnamese hasn't been an ideographic language for nearly 200 years. It's Latin-based. We have a very old ideographic script (Chữ Nôm) which is only used in historic documents.

from Clytie 

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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