[Localization] Bad Gateway in Pootle

Juliano Bittencourt juliano at lec.ufrgs.br
Wed Mar 26 22:54:06 EDT 2008

   I have just noticed that  the Bad Gateway error only happens to me  
when I try to edit an already translated string. Empty string don't  
raise the error.


Em 26/03/2008, às 17:39, LASKE, Lionel (C2S) escreveu:

> Hi all,
> Just to add my one cents about the “Bad Gateway” error.
> Yesterday I experienced myself this error but I must confess that it  
> was my fault (yes, believe me).
> Because translating large files like etoys is very painful using  
> pootle server, I choosed to translate it offline using PoEdit. So,  
> after my last translations I’ve uploaded yesterday my translated PO  
> files on the pootle server. During all the processing of my PO file  
> on the pootle server, the server respond to any request by a “Bad  
> Gateway” error.
> My conclusion is, like someone else said in a previous post: “Bad  
> Gateway” error means “Server Busy”.
> I’m sorry about that but yesterday, I was the “Bad Gateway” error J
> So my advice, If you experienced a “Bad Gateway” error, just wait…
> At
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