[Localization] Localization for Haiti (Kreyol)

Sayamindu Dasgupta sayamindu at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 07:51:45 EST 2008

Hi Jude, 

Thank you for offering to help out - it's awesome to have you with us. We have a pretty easy workflow to do the translation.

Translators typically log into a website, which gives them a list of strings to translate. Once the strings are translated, the administrator of the language can use the website to put the translations back into the main source code of the software which runs on the laptops. 

For an overview of the translation website, you can take a look at a set of slides available online at http://opensource.sfsu.edu/node/452

To know more about the translation, and to understand what happens at the server end of the website, you can check out http://www.bengalinux.org/devel_guide/ch03.html

I would recommend that you read at least http://www.bengalinux.org/devel_guide/ch03.html#transguide.poanatomy.specialcases in order to be aware of certain special types of strings which you may come across during translation.

If you have any kind of queries, do not hesitate to ask. You might also want to join the localization mailing list in order to keep track of what is happening - to do so, you can check out the website http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/localization

Thank you for your support once again,

Have a great day,


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Marvin Demuth <marvindemuth at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Jude Augusma has agreed to help with Creole translations. Jude
> is very knowledgeable with Windows technology, but has no Linux
> experience or programming experience. He is very experienced with
> Creole translating and was educated in Haitian schools. As a starting
> point, I have suggested that he join this list. Can anyone mentor
> him to get him started?
> Walter has mentioned the possible use of a special "Canadian-French"
> keyboard layout. We have the link --
> (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/French_Canadian#krey.C3.B2l_keyboard_layout).
> Is there any possibility that a prototype is available for Jude to test?
> If not, can anyone give Jude more information on the keyboard than is
> available from looking at the sketch. Jude used computers for 10 plus
> years in Haiti, and was never exposed to keyboards other than standard
> English keyboards. He knows how to produce the special characters for
> Creole and French with the standard English keyboard. Jude would be a
> good person for testing the keyboard.
> I can make a G1G1 XO Laptop available to Jude. If there is better model
> for him to use, then I could swap the standard one for the better one.
> Jude is competent and is willing to help. We need to get him on the
> right track from the start.
> Marvin
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Sayamindu Dasgupta

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