[Localization] Fonts in XO

Satyanarayana Murthy Saladi saladism at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 06:41:06 EST 2008

Hi Nicolas,
Thanks a lot for the instructions.
I installed Telugu font with "yum install fonts-telugu".
It automatically downloaded Lohit Telugu from repositories. (I wonder why it
was not already installed when shipped, Is it because what I have is an
English XO)
I can confirm that the font problem which I mentioned in my previous e-mail
is replicated in XO as well.
The Lohit Telugu font displays certain characters wrongly in Ubuntu as well
as XO. Pothana2000 ( which I believe is GPLed) displays correctly in Ubuntu
as well as in XO. I installed it manually as per your instructions.
At the risk of repetition, I am enclosing the images again.
Should I be filing a ticket.

Thanks a lot.

On 06/02/2008, Nicolas Spalinger <nicolas_spalinger at sil.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I managed to get XO (G1G1) and I am going to try my Telugu localization
> > files in it.
> > I was informed / thought  XO has already Telugu font in place.
> > But if I open Pootle link in XO "Browse" activity, such as
> >
> https://dev.laptop.org/translate/te/xo_core/chat-activity.po?translate=1&view=1
> > <
> https://dev.laptop.org/translate/te/xo_core/chat-activity.po?translate=1&view=1
> >
> > I do not see Telugu characters even after changing language to Telugu in
> > sugar-control-panel.
> > I can't see Hindi as well. I can see Bengali and Urdu fonts though.
> > Do I need to manually install fonts? Does XO at the current build (656)
> > not have all Indian fonts?
> The XO software stack uses fontconfig, so the fc-list command will give
> you the list of all fonts currently installed. (There are a few extra
> fonts in the repositories that you can install using yum as well.)
> From the terminal, simply create a ~/.fonts folder, then copy your fonts
> to this folder.
> What font did you have in mind?
> BTW, we're looking at forming a ideal set of open fonts for each target
> locale.
> > Cheers,
> > Satya.
> >
> > --
> > Satyanarayana Murthy Saladi
> Cheers,
> --
> Nicolas Spalinger
> http://scripts.sil.org
> http://pkg-fonts.alioth.debian.org/
> https://launchpad.net/people/fonts
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Satyanarayana Murthy Saladi
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