[Localization] Fuzzy strings in ES Record

Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero dirakx at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 01:42:41 EST 2008

On Feb 4, 2008 12:43 AM, Alexander Dupuy <alex.dupuy at mac.com> wrote:

> > Many of the terms in Record are specific to their usage in photo and
> > video. I do not yet have a source for Spanish camera jargon, but perhaps
> > some of y'all do?
> I went through these a week or so ago and made suggestions -
> unfortunately, in Pootle you have to look pretty hard to find the
> suggestions; there's a special option you have to select Show Editing
> Functions (Mostrar Funciones de Edición) from the release tag [ Update 1 ],
> then View Suggestions (Ver Sugerencias).  In order to find the video
> terminology, I did some Google searches using similar or related terms in
> Spanish where there were not fuzzy, e.g. Brillo (Brightness) and Contraste
> (Contrast) and was able to turn up reasonable terminology.
> > Keyframe threshold Límite del keyframe
> > I'm afraid I don't know what this means in English ...
> The definition link that Erik provided is helpful, but this is definitely
> pretty technical terminology.  I'd guess that the keyframe threshold has to
> do with the amount of difference between one frame and another which cause
> the video encoder to generate a new keyframe (i.e. full image encoding
> rather than encoding just the difference from the previous frame).  A google
> search for "compresión video clave" turns up an FAQ for Adobe Premiere Pro
> that uses the phrase "los fotogramas clave del video".  So (although I
> didn't put this in my earlier suggestion) I would say that "Keyframe
> threshold" could probably be translated best as "Límite para fotogramas
> claves" or something similar to that.

I think that this translation could be  Umbral de  Fotogramas claves

> > Sharpness Exactitud
> > If there is a Spanish adjective used to describe how well a blade
> > cuts, I'd nominate it, since I don't have the photographic word.
> With some searches for controles video contraste brillo, I found the term
> "Nitidez" which seems like a pretty good translation for Sharpness, and I
> entered this as a suggestion already.

Nitididez is also mi choice on this one.

> @alex
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Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
One Laptop Per Child
rafael at laptop.org
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