[Localization] [Announce] Pootle now fully open for translation

salman minhas sulmanminhas at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 19 13:21:56 EST 2007

hi HUDA,

 You have administrative privileges for URDU, we have done some work on pootle  (Packaging & Terminology). I want you to see that and your feedback on it.



> From: sayamindu at gmail.com
> To: localization at lists.laptop.org
> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 23:30:12 +0530
> Subject: [Localization] [Announce] Pootle now fully open for translation
> Hi all,
> We are extremely happy to announce that the new translation
> infrastructure at dev.laptop.org is now fully open for translation.
> The URL of the on line translation and translation project management
> software is http://dev.laptop.org/translate.
> Administrative privileges have been granted to the following users for
> the following languages:
> Username    Languages
> ========    ===========
> khaled   -- Arabic
> YuanChao -- Chinese (Traditional)
> simosx   -- Greek
> carlo    -- Italian
> shankar  -- Nepali
> huda     -- Urdu
> So if you want to translate for any of the above languages - you know
> whom to contact :-).
> (admins: please note that there are project wide administrative rights
> as well as language specific admin rights. There is also a slightly
> cluttered document for you at
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Pootle/Administration)
> If you want to start a new team for your language, file a ticket at
> http://dev.laptop.org under the category localisation (mention your
> Pootle username and the language code you want to handle), and we'll 
> take care of assigning the relevant rights.
> There's  a FAQ on the setup that we have at 
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Pootle/FAQ
> Some things to keep in mind while translating (aka, Known Issues):
> 1. The Commit and Update buttons (if you see them at all) will not work
> until we make any further announcements. So please do not use them :-)
> 2. This is the first time we are opening up XO Core and XO Bundled for
> translations. If you see anything odd - file a ticket (or even better,
> ping us on #olpc-pootle on irc.freenode.net)
> As a conclusion to this mail - we would like to thank everyone who has
> been (directly or indirectly) involved in the process. It has been a
> long battle with Pootle/Git/and whatnot - but in the end we have what
> is, what we hope to be a much smoother and easier to manager translation
> workflow for all software designed for the XO 
> Thank you again,
> Warm regards and happy translating :-).
> Sayamindu
> (On behalf of the entire team working on the Pootle installation)
> PS: As a personal 'PS', I would like to specially thank Xavi and Rafael
> for working really hard on this - without them, this would not have been
> possible
> -- 
> Sayamindu Dasgupta
> http://sayamindu.randomink.org/ramblings
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