[OLPC library] Wiki site map

David Farning dfarning at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 14:41:09 EST 2008

I have been going through the wiki for the past couple of days and
noticed a few patterns about the content about content.  Most of the
information seems to fall into the following categories.

1  Philosophy
2  Contributing
3  Creating
4  Curatoring
5  Projects
     In progress
6  Management

Categories 1-4 are informational in nature.  Howto, plans, and whats
 involved in the process.

Catergory 5 is tracking in nature.  There are a number of pages of
project grids and ideas.  This theme could be continued by using a series
of grids tracking the progress of projects.  Each project would get its own
page which was linked to via a grid.  I belive that this structure would
reduce much of the redundency on information about project and potentail projects.

Catergory 6 is about the content management system.  This part really intrests 
me. It seems that the project needs to work on generating content be starting 
to worry about how to move it around.  As my granddad used to say, "The best 
cart in the world is not worth much without a horse to pull it." 

I am interested in organizing the content portion of the wiki these lines.
Currently, I seem to spend a lot of time searching the wiki rather navigating:(

Does this layout sound reasonable?

I have noticed that the wiki layout is very flat. Is that intential? A tree
hierachy would make navigation easier.


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