[Http-crcsync] crccache ready for some testing I think

Alex Wulms alex.wulms at scarlet.be
Tue Mar 31 07:55:00 EDT 2009

Current implementation uses mod_cache to handle the cache-protocol with 
crccache_client as a storage handler.

So it invokes crccache_client to write cached data to disk and to fetch data 
from storage. Which is local filesystem or remote server via crcsync protocol 
(that is how I currently understand it). Though, the integration between 
mod_cache and it's storage handlers is still not 100% clear to me.

Don't know if that is the right approach. Another approach would indeed be to 
make crccache_client an independent module (in stead of a mod_cache storage 
handler) and make it understand the cache-protocol. Though, it will be 
difficult for an independent module to know when mod_cache would handle it 
and when not, because the behaviour of mod_cache is driven by several config 

Op dinsdag 31 maart 2009, schreef Martin Langhoff:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:05 AM, Alex Wulms <alex.wulms at scarlet.be> wrote:
> > With the new code, the compressed size is 5%.
> niiice.
> > Ps: slashdot sets 'cache private' headers so normally cache module does
> > not want to cache them. I have overruled it via the configuration
> > parameters
> For our use case, my thinking was that we would...
>  - use the standard mod_cache to cache "cacheable" content as per HTTP
> headers
>  - use a separate storage to cache "uncacheable" content that is a
> good candidate for crcsync...
> is that what you are thinking of as well?
> cheers,
> m

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