[Http-crcsync] crccache ready for some testing I think

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 08:00:45 EDT 2009

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Alex Wulms <alex.wulms at scarlet.be> wrote:
> Don't know if that is the right approach. Another approach would indeed be to
> make crccache_client an independent module (in stead of a mod_cache storage
> handler) and make it understand the cache-protocol. Though, it will be
> difficult for an independent module to know when mod_cache would handle it
> and when not, because the behaviour of mod_cache is driven by several config
> parameters.

Does mod_cache set anything in req->notes if it has decided to cache it?

(AFAIK, req->notes is a struct used by modules to set flags -- "notes"
-- and small values when you want inter-module smarts such as

If it does, or can be taught to do, then crccache_client can register
on the same hooks, but after mod_cache.

These are suggestions from afar, I haven't hacked with the apache API
for a while, mod_cache in itself may offer better hooks.



 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
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