[UKids] StarTech USB2VGA discontinued--XO laptop to Smart Board ideas?

Adam Holt holt at laptop.org
Fri Feb 5 19:15:29 EST 2016

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 7:09 PM, Tony Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net> wrote:

> The problem with projectors and white boards is $. The schools in Rwanda,
> for example, do not have funds to acquire them.

For sure.  http://www.rwandagirlsinitiative.org/ggast/ is one exception,
where Smart Boards seem to pre-installed in this one "magnet" school for
Rwanda girls.

We have several Sugar Activities which are designed to enable the laptop
> screen of connected laptops to show what is on the teacher's screen. This
> is a cost-free alternative to a projector. Unfortunately due to changes in
> the underlying software, these activities do not work. I would appreciate
> anyone who could take on the effort to get these running with the
> collab-wrapper. Specifically, there are Watch Me, ShowNTell, and the pair
> Classroom Broadcast and Classroom Viewer.

Great reminder, Thanks!
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