Firmware q7c04

James Cameron quozl at
Sun Feb 15 15:38:52 EST 2015

Thanks for your interest in OLPC firmware and software.

On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 01:55:48PM +0000, Yioryos Asprobounitis wrote:
> According to the info XO4 firmware q7c04 "support(s) booting legacy
> android kernel" However both os32013a4 and 3214a4 fail to boot under
> q7c04.  Do they qualify as "legacy android kernel"?

My bad.  The release notes for the firmware failed to describe fully
the nature of the added compatibility.  The compatibility is between
the firmware and a kernel in the boot-alt directory without device
tree support for dual core.  Without this change, the Q7C0x series
could not be used for a single core kernel.

Yes, 32013a4 and 32014a4 will fail to boot, that's expected.

> BTW is there any official or community SMP android/sugar builds in
> the works?

Another developer has tried merging the kernel SMP patches with the
arm-3.5-android branch of the olpc-kernel git repository, but there
were regressions to fix, and they have not been solved.

There are no recent public hybrid builds.

The instructions for building will work on old hardware, but won't
work on XO-4 manufactured in 2015 and later, because a new kernel is
required.  The patches for this kernel are in the arm-3.5-android-4.x
branch of the olpc-kernel git repository.

I've used the instructions just last week to make my own hybrid build.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 10:55:10AM +0000, tkkang at wrote:
> I will be really interested in a build that make the XO multi-media
> capable with all the necessary stuff installed.

That's a wish for a change of software license conditions or the
underlying law.

It is more effective to build it yourself.

> With more powerful XO I wonder what it takes to make video/audio
> streaming of *.mp4 files without a need to convert things to *ogv.

Doesn't this work already with the restricted software?

James Cameron

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