Cameras not working on XO-1s

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at
Thu Jan 31 14:39:04 EST 2013

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 8:39 PM, John Watlington <wad at> wrote:
> in 2010 (IIRC) to fix this, and there is a simple preventative measure to prevent it from happening
> on older machines (adding two pieces of cellulose tape to the right place on the motherboard.)
> Details and the fix are at

That trac entry has the details of the fix, which involves changing
the main frame of the unit, but Christoph needs the preventative
workaround, which I don't think is described there.

The workaround is to put 0.5mm cellulose tape to act as spacer so that
the camera cable does not get folded so harshly. My rule of thumb is
as follows: when you look at the mainframe on the side where the
motherboard goes, you see an circular extrusion right on the other
side of the speaker would go.

Place the spacer in the middle of that circle. Does not need to be
large in terms of surface.

Put the motherboard + camera assy into place -- when you are in that
process, observe where the camera cable meets the mainframe and check
visually that the spacer is low enough that it will not "pinch" the


 martin.langhoff at
 martin at -- Software Architect - OLPC
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

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