Rv: "Turtle Confusion" en Español

Melina Coronel melina_coronel at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Oct 8 18:52:08 EDT 2012

----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: Barry Newell <barry.newell at anu.edu.au>
Para: Melina Coronel <melina_coronel at yahoo.com.ar> 
CC: Katrina Proust <katrina.proust at anu.edu.au> 
Enviado: lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012 18:35
Asunto: Re: "Turtle Confusion" en Español

Hi Melina

I find this all very exciting!

You all have given me the push that I needed to do something about the excess difficulty of the riddles (a common problem with inexperienced puzzle setters).
And you are right ... given that the riddles make use of play on words, it will indeed be a fine challenge.
I will be delighted to work with you.

You certainly have my permission to translate Turtles Speak Mathematics. I look forward to hearing of your efforts.

I would like to know more about you. Do you have a short biography ... or can you tell me a little about yourself.
It has occurred to me that my wife (Katrina Proust) and I would enjoy a visit to your team at some stage. Not sure when we could do it, but it would undoubtedly be fun.

Best wishes

On 10/09/12, Melina Coronel  <melina_coronel at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
Barry! Thank you for taking the time to have  look at the final product :) (and sending your congratulations!) It means a lot to us! (I am sure I can speak on Manuel's behalf, too!) 
>We are delighted with the results and the responses so far!!!
>This was the first time I worked translating a book, and using repositories, I'd never have been able if it hadn't been for Manuel. I am pleased with the team work, the investigation, the asking for help...So, I offer my help for the translation of the Teacher's guide you are planning to write to help us all solve the riddles. 
>Making the most of the language to help us understand the meaning of the riddles in Spanish will make a fine challenge!!!!
>So, you can count on us to translate the teacher's guide, when you have it ready that is ...
>We are about to start with the translation of Turtles Speak Mathematics, as you know, if we have your permission. You will be having more news from us, in the near future. 
>Kindest regards!
> De: Barry Newell <barry.newell at anu.edu.au>
>Para: Manuel Kaufmann <humitos at gmail.com>; Python Argentina <pyar at python.org.ar>; sugar-devel <sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>; SugarLabs ARG <argentina at lists.laptop.org>; OLPC Devel <devel at lists.laptop.org>; OLPC <olpc-uruguay at lists.laptop.org>; olpc-sur at lists.laptop.org 
>CC: Flavio Danesse <fdanesse at gmail.com>; Melina Coronel <melina_coronel at yahoo.com.ar>; Sandra Bayona <smm_b at ymail.com>; Leonardo De Luca <leo at kde.org.ar>; Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org>; Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo at laptop.org>; Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com>; Alvar Maciel <alvarmaciel at gmail.com>; Roberto Alsina <ralsina at netmanagers.com.ar>; Carlos Glücklich <carlos_glucklich at yahoo.com.ar>; César Ballardini <cesar.ballardini at gmail.com> 
>Enviado: lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012 3:51
>Asunto: Re: "Turtle Confusion" en Español
>Congratulations to All!
>The end product is excellent!
>As you know, the riddles in Turtle Confusion were written assuming that the task of solving them would be undertaken by a team of upper-high-school students, their teachers and their parents.
>In general it is hard to organise such a capable riddle-solving team, and maintain it over a period of time, and so such team work has not usually been undertaken.
>But, as they stand, the riddles are impossible for young students to solve, far too hard for most high-school students, and even very difficult for most adults.
>Solving the riddles requires some insight into my particular worldview, and there is not enough clear text in TC to provide that insight.
>I have long felt the need to write a teacher's guide to the riddles – I have not done so because of the pressure of other work.
>The effort that you and your colleagues have put into this project, and the high quality of the end result, have prompted me to go ahead and produce the guide to the riddles.
>I will not be able to do it quickly, but I will keep you updated on my progress. I will, unfortunately, have to write it in English.
>The production of a teacher's guide will serve another purpose.
>It will help us to make sure that the riddles still work after translation into Spanish.
>Best wishes and, once again, my congratulations.
>On 10/08/12, Manuel Kaufmann  <humitos at gmail.com> wrote:
>= Versión en Español =
>>Hola a todos,
>>Les escribo para anunciar la publicación oficial de la traducción al
>>Español del libro de Barry Newell, "Turtle Confusion". La misma se
>>puede encontrar en su versión OnLine[1] o también en su versión en
>>Estamos muy contentos de finalmente hacer ésta publicación ya que se
>>hizo un esfuerzo muy grande para llevarla adelante y creemos que es un
>>libro muy útil en el mundo de la programación y la educación.
>>¡Espero que le sirva a muchos
 docentes, alumnos, padres y a quien sea!
>>= English Version =
>>Hi all,
>>I'm writing to announce the official publication of the Spanish
>>translation of the book "Turtle Consfusion" by Barry Newell. This
>>translation can be found in its OnLine version[1] and in its PDF[2]
>>version as well.
>>We are very happy of finally being able to do this publication because a great
>>effort has been done to make it possible and we believe that this book is
>>really useful in the programming and educational world.
>>We hope that many teachers, students, parents and anyone can benefit from it!
>>[1] http://turtle-confusion-spanish-version.readthedocs.org
>>[2] https://github.com/downloads/humitos/turtle-confusion-es/la-confusion-de-la-tortuga.pdf
>>Kaufmann Manuel
>>Blog: http://humitos.wordpress.com/
>>Porfolio: http://fotos.mkaufmann.com.ar/
>>PyAr: http://www.python.com.ar/
>Dr. Barry Newell
>Adj. Associate Professor, Research School of Engineering
>and Visiting Fellow, Fenner School of Environment & Society
>The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
>Phone +61 2 6281 6058  Mobile 0488 572 309
>E: barry.newell at anu.edu.au
>The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
>                                                                                               George Bernard Shaw
> --
Dr. Barry Newell
Adj. Associate Professor, Research School of Engineering
and Visiting Fellow, Fenner School of Environment & Society
The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Phone +61 2 6281 6058  Mobile 0488 572 309
E: barry.newell at anu.edu.au

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
                                                                                               George Bernard Shaw
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