12.1.0 trac milestone organisation (Devel Digest, Vol 73, Issue 25)

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 02:44:27 EDT 2012

On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 5:37 AM, Yioryos Asprobounitis
<mavrothal at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> > So for 12.1.0 I would like to change this by myself
>> dedicating more
>> > time to keeping things clean and managed within the
>> 12.1.0 milestone.
>> > I'm proposing that we experiment with the following,
>> which is what I
>> > wrote at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/12.1.0/Release_planĀ  :
> I was wondering if there are any VM builds planed for OLPC 12.1.0 (particularly XO-1.75 builds) or if this is considered an unnecessary burden for tracking.
> I can understand that using the actual hardware is the most important thing.
> But apparently there are not enough XO-1.75s available.
> So VM builds could be of some value during development.

There's no major difference between the x86 builds and the ARM builds
other than architecture. If it's a simple python based Activity
there's very little difference between the two and if it runs on one
it will run on the other.

In terms of VM builds the Sugar on a Stick v7 (SoaS) Live Image builds
are very similar to what will eventually become the 12.1.0 release and
there's nightly composes built [1] from the development tree that run
perfectly in a VM environment. If there's anything in particular you
feel you need added to those it can be considered for inclusion.


[1] http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/nightly-composes/soas/

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