Problem running signed actos/actrd from USB stick on secured XO-1

Daniel Drake dsd at
Fri Jul 13 11:22:26 EDT 2012

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Emiliano Pastorino
<epastorino at> wrote:
> The USB stick has 2 partitions: the first one is a FAT16 partition with a
> boot directory containing the signed files.
> The other one is an ext4 partition labeled OLPCRoot, and it only contains a
> /lib/modules* tree, since my
> customized initramfs will only fix the hwclock and then power off the XO.

It sounds like something isn't quite as you expect in your initramfs,
because if it will *only* fix the hwclock and power off, its not clear
why it is trying to mount the root partition.


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