Epiphany issues XO 1.0 build 20 12.1.0

Kevin Gordon kgordon420 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 13:49:10 EDT 2012

Noticed something strange in the behaviour of browse on RC build 20.

Fresh install of build from USB key
Connect to access point
Verify date correct
Go into Browse
Ask to get a developer key
 - Page starts to refresh but doesn't complete - only one border line
appears, no text, no submit button - on first look seems to 'hang'
 - then  hit home key, home screen does not completely refresh
 - stop activity, start new or restart, similar symptoms
 - if one doesn't atttempt to home before stopping, restarting browse with
the failed developer key request j/e causes browse to terminate.

F/W Q2F13

XO 1.0 only Sugar Browse (140) only tested at this point

Reflashed machine to 12.1.0 RC  Build 14 which contains Browse 137
repeat process - same behaviour as above

Repeated attempts 2 times on tow machines one each of Build 20 and Build
14, with start new
On second attempt, hovering over the globe/browse icon at the top left on
one of the machines caused a partial page to appear
On third attempt, both the full request text screen and submit button
appeared, submit worked, devkey shown on one machine
On fourth attempt, machine 1, same symptons as first, with some strange
squares appearing instead of readable characters
Other attempts on both machines consistent with first behaviour -
incomplete page

Entering https://activation.laptop.org into the address bar in Epiphany in
Gnome also causes some similar strange things to appear.

Only have tried the above on an XO-1 at present.
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