[OLPC New Zealand] OLPC testing summary Auckland 18 August 2012

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at laptop.org.au
Sat Aug 18 03:30:29 EDT 2012

I've written some release notes for the Training Pack:


On 18 August 2012 16:19, Sridhar Dhanapalan <sridhar at laptop.org.au> wrote:
> Thanks for testing the teacher training customisations. This allows us
> to modify the standard OLPC OS 10.1.3 into something that is similar
> to our 10.1.3-au series, and is hence compatible with our One
> Education programme.
> If you examine the Training Pack files, you'll see that we upgrade
> Browse, MusicPainter, Scratch and Speak. Other activities are
> untouched. We install the Adobe Flash Player, although I suspect that
> performance will be poor on XO-1 hardware. The Favourites view is also
> changed.
> See the training.sh file for details on what modifications the
> Training Pack makes.
> Cheers,
> Sridhar
> On 18 August 2012 15:22, Tom Parker <tom at carrott.org> wrote:
>> OLPC testing summary Auckland 18 August 2012
>> Who: Fabiana, John, Tabitha, Tom
>> Today we tested XO-1s build 860 Sugar 0.84.31 with a bunch of customizations
>> for NZ teacher training and XO-1.5s on 12.1.0 build 20.
>> Tux, XO-1, build 860 + customisations:
>> Touchpad drove me crazy during the following list of tests; no collaboration
>> testing done today except for chat and distance.
>> By default set to UTC time, need to go into settings and change to
>> Pacific/Auckland time and restart.
>> Switch to gnome and back to Sugar works.
>> Maze works
>> Speak main speak part works but not robot
>> Record took a photo, low quality video, audio - all viewable/playable
>> Paint tested most functions, all working
>> Musicpainter works
>> Moon works
>> Implode works
>> Memorize played all preloaded games with all sizes, worked, created a text
>> game and played it
>> Read opens but had nothing to read
>> Write works
>> Turtleart basic test works
>> Scratch basic test works
>> Tamtam mini tried a few options, all worked
>> Tamtam edit basic test works
>> Tamtam jam works
>> Tamtam synthlab basic test works
>> Jukebox works
>> Help works
>> Measure basic test works
>> Image viewer works
>> Log works
>> Etoys tutorial works
>> Calculate basic test worked
>> Pippy tried a few options, all played
>> Browse works, connected to local wireless network and browsed net as well as
>> trying some of the links on the homepage
>> Distance on local wireless network worked with Anna, looks pretty accurate
>> distance calculation
>> Chat worked with Anna on local wireless network
>> Anna, XO-1, build 860 + customisations:
>> Memorise 3 grids ok - created game ok
>> Record pix ok. Timer seems to work ok. Video low res 2 min ok, playback ok.
>> Video hi not available - on  the icon there is an arrow suggesting it will
>> bring up a drop down menu but there does not appear to be one.
>> Measure: starts ok - there is a single channel active, but refresh is such
>> that one sees two overlapping waves - this could be confusing. Gain and time
>> controls appear to work ok. V(t) and FFT seem to be ok. Capture every 30 sec
>> seems ok - trigger does not seem to work. Tab that displays the trace is
>> named ‘sound’ - which is kind of true when it is capturing from a
>> microphone, but it is really voltage and distinguishing this might be
>> important if one is to bring a signal in from a different source through the
>> microphone input.
>> Paint: Slow! Became frustrated and moved
>> Ivy, XO-1.5, 12.1.0 build 20:
>> Write, Wikipedia EN, Record, Tamtam mini, Browse, Getbooks and Read. Quality
>> of photos quite good regardless of low or high quality. Tamtam Synthlab
>> works and is really good.
>> We didn't see any video anomalies in this build.
>> Rosella, XO-1.5, 12.1.0 build 20:
>> The very small text on this laptop is now fixed!
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