[OLPC New Zealand] OLPC testing summary Auckland 18 August 2012

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at laptop.org.au
Sat Aug 18 02:19:32 EDT 2012

Thanks for testing the teacher training customisations. This allows us
to modify the standard OLPC OS 10.1.3 into something that is similar
to our 10.1.3-au series, and is hence compatible with our One
Education programme.

If you examine the Training Pack files, you'll see that we upgrade
Browse, MusicPainter, Scratch and Speak. Other activities are
untouched. We install the Adobe Flash Player, although I suspect that
performance will be poor on XO-1 hardware. The Favourites view is also

See the training.sh file for details on what modifications the
Training Pack makes.


On 18 August 2012 15:22, Tom Parker <tom at carrott.org> wrote:
> OLPC testing summary Auckland 18 August 2012
> Who: Fabiana, John, Tabitha, Tom
> Today we tested XO-1s build 860 Sugar 0.84.31 with a bunch of customizations
> for NZ teacher training and XO-1.5s on 12.1.0 build 20.
> Tux, XO-1, build 860 + customisations:
> Touchpad drove me crazy during the following list of tests; no collaboration
> testing done today except for chat and distance.
> By default set to UTC time, need to go into settings and change to
> Pacific/Auckland time and restart.
> Switch to gnome and back to Sugar works.
> Maze works
> Speak main speak part works but not robot
> Record took a photo, low quality video, audio - all viewable/playable
> Paint tested most functions, all working
> Musicpainter works
> Moon works
> Implode works
> Memorize played all preloaded games with all sizes, worked, created a text
> game and played it
> Read opens but had nothing to read
> Write works
> Turtleart basic test works
> Scratch basic test works
> Tamtam mini tried a few options, all worked
> Tamtam edit basic test works
> Tamtam jam works
> Tamtam synthlab basic test works
> Jukebox works
> Help works
> Measure basic test works
> Image viewer works
> Log works
> Etoys tutorial works
> Calculate basic test worked
> Pippy tried a few options, all played
> Browse works, connected to local wireless network and browsed net as well as
> trying some of the links on the homepage
> Distance on local wireless network worked with Anna, looks pretty accurate
> distance calculation
> Chat worked with Anna on local wireless network
> Anna, XO-1, build 860 + customisations:
> Memorise 3 grids ok - created game ok
> Record pix ok. Timer seems to work ok. Video low res 2 min ok, playback ok.
> Video hi not available - on  the icon there is an arrow suggesting it will
> bring up a drop down menu but there does not appear to be one.
> Measure: starts ok - there is a single channel active, but refresh is such
> that one sees two overlapping waves - this could be confusing. Gain and time
> controls appear to work ok. V(t) and FFT seem to be ok. Capture every 30 sec
> seems ok - trigger does not seem to work. Tab that displays the trace is
> named ‘sound’ - which is kind of true when it is capturing from a
> microphone, but it is really voltage and distinguishing this might be
> important if one is to bring a signal in from a different source through the
> microphone input.
> Paint: Slow! Became frustrated and moved
> Ivy, XO-1.5, 12.1.0 build 20:
> Write, Wikipedia EN, Record, Tamtam mini, Browse, Getbooks and Read. Quality
> of photos quite good regardless of low or high quality. Tamtam Synthlab
> works and is really good.
> We didn't see any video anomalies in this build.
> Rosella, XO-1.5, 12.1.0 build 20:
> The very small text on this laptop is now fixed!
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