[Techteam] New F14-arm build os31

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Sun Jul 31 01:02:42 EDT 2011

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 5:34 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo at laptop.org>wrote:
>> Hey, no so bad :)
>> The good news first:
>> The following activities starts and works:
>> TurtleArt, Speak, TypingTurtle, Labyrinth, Memorize,Browse, Log, Words,
>> Help, Chat, Scratch, Distance, Finance,
>> Infoslicer, Implode, Terminal, Calculate, Etoys and  ImageViewer
>> Activities with errors:
>> GetBooks: no HAL (anyway we must substitute by udev)
> Hal is built for F-14. I suspect nothing else is pulling it in. What does
> GetBooks use HAL for?

Use it to detect when a pen drive is inserted.

> TamTam*: no blobs, probably only recompile
>> Puppy: starts ok and many examples work, but no the camera and no sound
>> examples (I have not tested all)
>> Measure: no HAL
> Hal is built for F-14. I suspect nothing else is pulling it in. What does
> Puppy use HAL for?

Measure use HAL, not Pippy.

> Stopwatch: do not start and do not write anything in the log file
>> Write: no abiword module
> Martin has a build, should be in the next release.


> Paint: no blobs, probably only recompile
>> Moon: does not start, but with a python error in the activity, must try
>> update it
>> Jukebox, started but did not played a ogg file
>> Record: starts but only with audio
>> Physics: probably no binaries in egg, we must try with package pybox2d
> I've pushed a F-14 build for this, is there a reason we can't use the
> distro package so as to remove the binary module from the Activity?

We are discussing use the packaged version and remove it from the activity.

> Maze: do not start and do not write anything in the log file
>> Read: no module webkit
> webkit is a real pain and causing me problems for building. It has a huge
> and complex dependency chain that's failing. I'm getting there slowly but
> its not a small package by any description.

If we found webkit is not available, we can use gecko in Read to display the
epub files.

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