advantage of full linux over android for OLPC

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Tue Jan 18 03:25:35 EST 2011

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 7:05 AM, Carlos Nazareno <object404 at> wrote:
> While browsing the new slashdot coverage on OLPC, there was a very
> good point made regarding Android vs. full Linux:
> There's no JRE/JDK running on Android, so that's a plus for not
> switching to Android, given that so many cool stuff is being
> taught/done in Java. (i.e. )
> It also locks out university students/scholars (who are in need of
> low-cost affordable laptops for education too) and budding students
> who want to learn computer science.
> XO machines should also be capable of being dev machines that are
> capable of building apps for the XO (both for students and adult
> content creators (teachers, volunteers)), instead of just "consumer"
> machines like the iPad & Android devices. (developing apps for
> different platforms using Android devices still seems some ways off)

They are dev machines. There are people using them for exactly that.
They also support the full java stack although its probably somewhat
slow on the XO-1.


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