Paraguay's os-builder

Bernie Innocenti bernie at
Wed May 26 17:19:36 EDT 2010

El Wed, 26-05-2010 a las 11:26 -0300, Esteban Bordon escribió:
> I'm not including signing and oats_cfg modules in my build and I made
> local clone of all repositories. Just I want take custom packages made
> for Paraguay and use it to uruguayan build. I think some packages can
> operate in our implementation.

The only customizations specific to Paraguay are in the ini file:
browser home page, local deployment keys, update server...

All our custom rpm packages should be independent from the deployment.
Many of them are already in Fedora, but may not yet be available as
stable updates. Changes to activities have already been contributed to

Sorry, I'll be traveling for the next 24h... I hope you can solve your
touchpad issue. Tip: try "yum install gpm" + "service gpm start" to see
if the touchpad works at least in the text console. Also try to connect
a USB mouse.

   // Bernie Innocenti -
 \X/  Sugar Labs       -

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