multicast route missing on ad-hoc+mesh (was: Re: [Testing] os240py - collaboration over wireless)

Daniel Drake dsd at
Tue Jun 1 09:32:50 EDT 2010

On 1 June 2010 02:55, Sascha Silbe
<sascha-ml-ui-sugar-olpc-devel at> wrote:
> Excerpts from James Cameron's message of Tue Jun 01 00:42:38 +0000 2010:
>> Yep, that's it.  Sugar is entirely relying on the existence of this
>> multicast route, and it is not present on os240py.
>> It can temporarily be added after mesh is started:
>>     ip route add dev msh0
> [...]
>> Bernie, modules/base/ in olpc-os-builder handles this
>> for ad-hoc.  Presumably it needs a similar thing for mesh.
> What's the upstream ticket for this bug (the multicast route being missing)?
> This might explain quite a bit of the trouble I had with collaboration
> (though not all of it).

You can find the discussion on the NetworkManager list. It wasn't
concluded, Dan Williams needs to be prodded more so that we can come
up with a solution.


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