multicast route missing on ad-hoc+mesh (was: Re: [Testing] os240py - collaboration over wireless)

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-olpc-devel at
Tue Jun 1 03:55:28 EDT 2010

Excerpts from James Cameron's message of Tue Jun 01 00:42:38 +0000 2010:
> Yep, that's it.  Sugar is entirely relying on the existence of this
> multicast route, and it is not present on os240py.
> It can temporarily be added after mesh is started:
>     ip route add dev msh0
> Bernie, modules/base/ in olpc-os-builder handles this
> for ad-hoc.  Presumably it needs a similar thing for mesh.

What's the upstream ticket for this bug (the multicast route being missing)?
This might explain quite a bit of the trouble I had with collaboration
(though not all of it).

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