tool elitism

Sameer Verma sverma at
Mon Apr 12 18:47:20 EDT 2010


> Uh... I'm also very fond of Processing. It runs okay for me on the
> XO-1, just a bit slow and the obvious problem with Sugar since
> processing is generally multi-window.
> Okay, kidding aside, what's the point of developing hardware and
> software for OLPC anyway? Aren't these just delivery mechanisms for
> educational content? What do kids and teachers care what computer
> language they're written in anyway as long as they work well on their
> machines and play nice?
> Look. I'm really serious here.
> What if there are thousands of us out there who want to develop
> content for OLPC, but just can't because it's Python/Sugar?
> And what's so evil with free as in beer if there's no ulterior motive
> to raise a generation of locked-in consumers behind it? (sure MS could
> benefit. Sure Adobe could benefit. Can you blame them if they make
> great tools that allow content creators to express themselves better?)
> There's an old saying that goes "beggars can't be choosers."
> Why refuse our help? We're here. We want to help. We know you need help.

I lost track of "us" vs "them"...and who is the beggar in all this?
Maybe you should keep your e-mails short.



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